“Pilates has a positive effect on the health of most of the voluntary muscles [skeletal muscles you control] of the body, predominantly the larger muscles,” says Vedant Vaksha, MD, a spine surgeon with Complete Orthopedics in Long Island, New York. “It helps in stretching and strengthening muscles of the forearm, arm, neck and back, hips, thighs, and legs.” But it can also deliver some other lesser known benefits, and ones you may not notice when looking in the mirror. Here are seven health benefits associated with Pilates.

1. Better Balance, Strength, and Flexibility for Older Adults

Since there’s such an emphasis on core work, Pilates exercises can help improve body balance, Dr. Vaksha says. But that’s not all: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials found Pilates improved dynamic balance, lower limb strength, hip and lower back flexibility, and cardio endurance among adults over the age of 60. The Pilates workout doesn’t need to be fancy either. Another systematic review and meta-analysis noted that Pilates is safe and affordable since the only equipment needed is a mat on the floor.

2. Reduced Risk of Falls

Increased physical function can also help protect from falls, which are a common reason for a trip to the emergency room for older adults each year, according to the National Institute on Aging. Vaksha says Pilates works the arm, leg, and core muscles, which include the neck and lower and upper back. “This gives agility and strength to our body, helping in our daily activities as well as recreational activities,” he says. As a result of better balance, strength, flexibility, and functionality, older people can significantly lower their risk of falls, according to a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ultimately, that can help elderly people live independently longer. And while other workouts can do the same, some research suggests Pilates has an edge when it comes to this end. A randomized controlled trial found that while any physical activity can improve both balance and strength, which can reduce the risk of falls, Pilates has a greater effect than a general fitness program.

3. Reduced Risk of Injuries

Pilates helps build the core muscles and body stabilization, which can reduce the risk of injury, says Heather Milton, a board-certified clinical exercise physiologist with NYU Langone Health in New York City. This includes potentially reducing the risk of overuse injuries in athletes and active adults and kids. A study published in August 2017 in the International Journal of Sports Medicine found when recreational runners completed a six-week Pilates program they saw improved functional movement (as measured by a deep squat, hurdle step, and lunge), which helps reduce the risk of running-related injuries, the researchers said. Another small study, published in February 2020 in the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, had eight adolescents complete an eight-week Pilates program. The participants increased their muscle mass and trunk and shoulder strength. The researchers concluded this will not only improve performance, but could likely help prevent future injuries.

4. Less Lower Back Pain

Vaksha says he recommends a regular Pilates and yoga practice to patients who complain of back pain. “One of the most important benefits in helping prevent back pain is taking care of the core,” Vaksha says. That’s where Pilates fits in: Building a strong and stable core is central to a Pilates practice. A systematic review found practicing Pilates for 6 to 12 weeks helped reduce pain in the short term among patients with chronic lower back pain. The researchers recommended two or three one-hour Pilates sessions per week in order to reap the greatest benefit.

5. Busted Stress and Boosted Mood

For most people, low-intensity exercises, like Pilates, help reduce stress, Milton says. And research backs her up: According to one study involving 63 overweight or obese participants, completing one-hour Pilates sessions three times a week for eight weeks positively impacted anxiety, depression, and quality of life. Part of that could be due to the fact that Pilates requires you to focus on your body, rather than whatever’s racing through your head. Pilates is a mind-body exercise and requires the focus to be on the breath, posture, and controlled movement, per one study (PDF).

6. Boosted Brain Power

Pilates has been shown to positively affect your mental sharpness, too. A study involving 110 Spanish women over age 60 found a three-month Pilates program improved verbal fluency and executive function, as measured by a test involving timed motor and visual tasks. The researchers noted physical improvements as well, including better lower-body strength and functional flexibility. But it should be noted that they didn’t see any improvements in other measures of cognitive function (including language, attention and calculation, recall, orientation, and registration) among the study participants. The study researchers noted that their research focused on the short-term results and future research should investigate the effect a long-term Pilates practice has on the brain.

7. Improved Symptom Management for People With Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease can lead to motor challenges, but Pilates may be able to help. One review and meta-analysis found Pilates helped patients with Parkinson’s disease improve their fitness, balance, and functional autonomy, with benefits to the lower body specifically. The researchers concluded that Pilates can be prescribed to treat those with mild to moderate Parkinson’s disease.

How Long Does It Take to See Benefits?

The answer to this question depends on the individual, what your starting point is, and what your goals are. For instance, the previously mentioned systematic review on low back pain noted positive changes after 20 cumulative hours of Pilates were logged. That’s 10 weeks of two one-hour sessions each week. Milton estimates that in general you can expect to see the benefits at the six to eight week mark of practicing Pilates twice a week. If you’d like to do Pilates more frequently than that, go right ahead. You only risk overdoing it if your form is compromised. Milton says that so long as you’re using good technique and activating the correct muscles, you should remain injury free.