Without proper treatment, RA can cause long-term damage to joints and serious damage to your whole body with persistent pain and possible disability, says David Pisetsky, MD, PhD, a rheumatologist and professor of medicine and immunology at Duke University School of Medicine in Durham, North Carolina. Over time, there’s a high risk of joint deformity and lost function. On the flip side, the right treatment plan can go a long way toward preventing long-term damage and preserving joint function: “With current treatment options, most people can have good control of symptoms and reduce RA progression,” Dr. Pisetsky says. “Many can even experience remission.”

Short-Term Complications of Untreated RA

If left untreated, RA can cause a number of short-term complications, particularly joint pain, Pisetsky says. And, because RA affects the entire body, you may also experience general malaise, fever, and fatigue without proper treatment. Pisetsky notes that untreated RA can also increase the risk for infection. RA is an inflammatory type of autoimmune disease, which means the immune system is concentrating on attacking your joints and other tissues instead of protecting you from illness. And the more severe your RA, the greater the risk for infection, according to the Arthritis Foundation.

When RA Goes Untreated: Long-Term Health Issues

If RA is left untreated in the long-term, it can affect not just your quality of life, but the duration of it, too. “Persistent inflammation can lead to a shorter lifespan,” Pisetsky explains. Uncontrolled RA can also increase your risk for heart disease, because RA-related inflammation not only affects the joints, but also the heart. This inflammation can also contribute to narrowing of your blood vessels, according to the AF, which allows plaque to build up. People who have RA have as much as twice as high a risk for heart disease as the general population, notes the Arthritis Foundation. According to a study published in May 2022 in Arthritis & Rheumatology, the link between RA and heart problems heightens the importance of monitoring and managing heart disease risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, and being sedentary. Overall, the more advanced your RA, the greater your risk for heart damage. Moreover, untreated RA can affect more than just your joints and your heart with complications ranging from skin issues, to bone thinning, to eye complications, and beyond. That said, following a regular treatment plan that helps slow the progression of your RA can help protect your joints, your heart, your overall health and well-being — and your life. Remission is increasingly possible thanks to new therapies, many of which can be used alone or in combination with one another. Your doctor will work with you to develop a treatment plan that addresses your individual needs. Your RA treatment plan may include:

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)CorticosteroidsTraditional disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs)BiologicsJanus kinase (JAK) inhibitors

Even if it takes some time to find the right treatment for you, it’s important to stick with it. Though you may find symptom relief fairly quickly, “finding the right medication for prolonged care can take longer,” Pisetsky explains. “Usually, several months can elapse before it is clear if a treatment is working or not and whether it’s time to try something new.”

Establish a Well-Rounded Treatment Plan

In addition to taking your RA medications as prescribed, making the right lifestyle choices can also help you feel better and promote healthy joints. Start with these steps:

Follow an anti-inflammatory diet, like the Mediterranean diet.Get regular exercise (but don’t overdo it).Reach and maintain a healthy body weight.Quit smoking.Take steps to manage stress.

Work closely with your rheumatologist to help you find the most effective combination of lifestyle changes and medication to gain control of your RA — and your life. Treating RA is a long-term commitment, so it’s important to find a rheumatologist you feel comfortable with and try to not get discouraged if a particular drug doesn’t work for you. Give your body time to respond to new medications and let your doctor know of any concerns you may have about your treatment. Additional reporting by Erica Patino.

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